A chloroplast sulphate transporter modulates glutathione-mediated redox cycling to regulate cell division
A chloroplast sulphate transporter modulates glutathione-mediated redox cycling to regulate cell division
Glutathione redox cycling is important for cell cycle regulation, but its mechanisms are not well understood. We previously identified a small-sized mutant, suppressor of mat3 15-1 (smt15-1) that has elevated cellular glutathione.

Diverse geotropic responses in the orchid family
Diverse geotropic responses in the orchid family
In epiphytes, aerial roots are important to combat water‐deficient, nutrient‐poor, and high‐irradiance microhabitats. However, whether aerial roots can respond to gravity and whether auxin plays a role in regulating aerial root development remain open‐ended questions.

Co-option of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS network regulates protocorm-like-body development in Phalaenopsis aphrodite
Co-option of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS network regulates protocorm-like-body development in Phalaenopsis aphrodite
The protocorm is a structure that is formed upon germination of an orchid seed.

Translation initiation landscape profiling reveals hidden open reading frames required for the pathogenesis of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Translation initiation landscape profiling reveals hidden open reading frames required for the pathogenesis of tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Plant viruses with densely packed genomes employ non-canonical translational strategies to increase the coding capacity for virus function. However, the diverse translational strategies used make it challenging to define the full set of viral genes.


2024楊祥發農業生技講座 2024楊祥發農業生技講座
Congratulations! Dr. Kuo-Chen Yeh was promoted to Distinguished Research Fellow on July 30, 2024. 恭喜本中心葉國楨老師業經院方核定自113年7月30日起升等為特聘研究員。
2024年暑期大學生培育計畫錄取名單 2024年暑期大學生培育計畫錄取名單
2024 Summer Student Research Program(已申請截止) 2024年暑期大學生培育計畫Summer Student Research Program(已截止申請)

Transforming Food Systems with Biodiversity
Dr. Carlo Fadda (Director of Agrobiodiversity, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Italy)
鄭伯忻博士 (林耀正老師實驗室 博士後研究學者)

The Award Ceremony for the ABRC 24th Annual Poster Competition and the ABRC 2023 Travel Grant
The Award Ceremony for the ABRC 24th Annual Poster Competition and the ABRC 2023 Travel Grant