
演講訊息 (2025)
從資優生到被退學,how do I get here?
唐涵博士 (國立中興大學生物化學研究所助理教授)
2025/1/20 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Introduction to ABRC ISH core facility and carbon fixation project
Swee-Suak Rachel Ko (Associate Research Specialist, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica)
2024/12/24 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
鄭伯忻博士 (林耀正老師實驗室 博士後研究學者)
2024/11/25 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to understand the deleterious effects of excess glucose on fecundity
Prof. Chao-Wen Wang (Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University) 王昭雯博士 (成功大學生命科學系教授)
2024/11/27 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Epialleles, epimutations and an evolutionary epigenetic clock
Dr. Robert J. Schmitz (Professor, UGA Foundation Professorship of Plant Sciences & Georgia Research Alliance Lars G. Ljungdahl Distinguished Investigator, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA)
11:00 AM 2024/11/20 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
On the Metabolism and Functions of Regulatory Apocarotenoids
Prof. Salim Al-Babili (Professor and Associate Dean, Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KAUST, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
2024/11/19 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Transforming Food Systems with Biodiversity
Dr. Carlo Fadda (Director of Agrobiodiversity, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Italy)
2024/11/21 15:00 PM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
鄭伯忻博士 (林耀正老師實驗室 博士後研究學者)
2024/11/25 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
The Many Faces of Computational Biology: Mastering the Interaction between Biology, Computer Science, and Statistics
吳泓熹博士 (臺灣大學農藝學系助理教授)
2024/10/29 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
From Whole Genome Duplication to Rediploidization: Deciphering Plant Genome Evolution
Dr. Zhen Li (Staff scientist/Assistant Professor, VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University, Belgium)
2024/10/14 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Regulatory mechanisms underlying secondary cell wall deposition of xylem vessel cells
Dr. Taku DEMURA (Professor, Division of Biological Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
2024/09/04 14:00 PM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Living with fluctuations: time, scale, and reactions of crops
Dr. Tsu-Wei Chen (Professor, Intensive Plant Food Systems, DFG Emmy Noether Program, Humboldt Univ. of Berlin, Germany)
2024/10/08 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Crosstalk between phosphorylation and O-glycosylation regulates metabolism, growth, and immunity
Dr. Zhiyong Wang (Senior Staff Scientist, Carnegie Institution for Science, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
2024/09/09 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Beyond Protein Degradation: E3 ubiquitin ligases MAC3A and MAC3B integrate environmental signals to modulate RNA splicing in controlling flowering time
李金美博士 (台灣大學植物科學研究所助理教授)
2024/08/19 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Molecular dynamics of gall development in the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris induced by hyperparasite Smicronyx madaranus
Dr. BESSHO-UEHARA Kanako (Assistant Professor, Graduate school of Life Science, Tohoku University, Japan)
2024/07/22 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Using the liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha, to explore the evolution of plasmodesmata
呂冠儒博士 (中興大學生物科技學研究所助理教授)
2024/07/15 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
The “Tug of War” between bacterial microbiota and their crosstalk with plant innate immunity
馬家威博士 (中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所助研究員)
2024/07/01 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
2024/05/27 11:00 AM Conference Room 122, Research Building I, Academia Sinica Southern Campus
演講訊息 (2024)
RNA metabolic regulation linking cell proliferation/differentiation and environmental responses in plants
Dr. Misato OHTANI (Professor, Dept. of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
2024/05/14 10:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
2024/04/29 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
AI meets Agriculture: From Gene to Sustainable Carbon Reduction
朱彥煒博士 (中興大學基因體暨生物資訊學研究所特聘教授兼所長)
2024/04/22 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
New insights into carbon metabolism for enhancing CO2 fixation and bioproduction in cyanobacteria and plants
Dr. Kuan-Jen Lu (Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica)
2024/01/18 10:00AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Upcycling agricultural waste to produce value-added products using microbial biocatalysts
Dr. Po-Hsiang Wang (Assistant professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan)
2024/01/15 10:00AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2024)
Closing gaps in plant chronobiology: from genome to proteome and from molecules to future geographies
Dr. Devang Mehta (Assistant Professor, Department of Biosystems, University of Leuven, Belgium)
2023/01/17 11:00AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
Evolutionary studies of plant specialized metabolism: travels through time and space
Dr. Robert L. Last (University Distinguished Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, USA)
2023/11/23 14:00 PM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
Fast-track flowering for reproductive trait engineering in poplar: challenges and opportunities
Dr. Chung-Jui Tsai (Professor & Eminent Scholar, School of Forestry & Natural Resource, Dept. of Plant Biology and Dept. of Genetics, University of Georgia, USA)
2023/11/20 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
AS-BCST Seminar :Current Status of Academic and Research at Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Study Program, IPB University, Indonesia
Prof. Dewi Sukma (The head of Magister Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Study Program, Dept. of Agronomy & Horticulture, IPB University, Indonesia)
2023/10/17 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
AS-BCST Seminar: Plant memory of temperature in leaf structural, chemical composition and metabolic phenotypes
Dr. Owen Atkin (Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT), Australian National University)
2023/09/28 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
ABRC Seminar :植物菌質體的研究與應用
楊俊逸博士 (國立中興大學生物化學研究所 教授兼所長)
2023/08/28 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
ABRC Open Seminar: Decoding the Future of Agriculture: Genomics, Genome Engineering, High Throughput Plant Phenotyping, and Machine Learning
Dr. Yao-Cheng Lin (Assistant Research Fellow, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica)
2023/08/14 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
Cell wall signaling and morphogenesis – is there a connection?
鄭惠國博士 (中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所助研究員)
2023/08/21 11:00 AM 中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室
演講訊息 (2023)
Genetic and environmental manipulation of plant senescence for increased productivity
Dr. Hong Gil Nam (Director, Ever Summer Labs for Aging Research, Daegu Catholic University, Korea)
2023/07/07 11:00 AM Conference Room 122, Research Building I, Academia Sinica Southern Campus (中央研究院南部院區跨領堿研究大樓(I) 122大會議室) Video Broadcasting: Conference Room A134, Agricultural Technology Building, Academia Sinica
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